Stop bot attacks and Layer 7 attacks

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Suitable with the following platforms

what can we do for you?

Determine the right defense strategy for you.

Our protection systems know how to provide protection in several different mechanisms, you can choose the right one for you at the click of a button.

Protection capabilities by location.

Want to protect your app with location-based protection? Our system allows you to do this with the click of a button.

Smart bot filtering

You can choose which bots you want to block.
Our advanced system allows you to easily and conveniently define which bots you would like to block from visiting your site.

Smart mode of advanced learning

Before activating the system, you can activate our advanced learning mode, which will feature an updated and unique profile for your application through artificial intelligence so that during an attack the system can protect you quickly and safely and you can significantly reduce the possibility of false positive events during routine.

Select the domains you want to run the system on

Our advanced system allows you to select at the click of a button for which domains in your admin panel you would like to enable its advanced protection.

Real-time alerts

Our system will protect you completely automatically and will make sure to notify you by email during the attack.

Fully customized to your management interface

Our protection system integrates with a variety of options directly within your existing management interface, is presented as an integral part of it and can be activated immediately after easy and simple installation.

what is botfence?

A powerful and advanced system with a simple and efficient management interface that allows you to change settings and adjust the system exactly to your needsmitigation solution based on artificial intelligenceAdvanced protection against bot attacks and ddos Layer 7 attacksAdvanced and smart protection without visual authentication stages and without compromising the user experienceDefend against L7 DDoS attacks with advanced artificial intelligence technology without sacrificing performanceOur artificial intelligence technology will characterize your app to block the bad guys automatically. No need to create profiles manuallyLet your server resources work for you, let us protect your application without compromising server performanceOur advanced technology knows how to block attacks further at the network card level and thus prevent congestion on your server resourcesDiscover complete statistics on the attacks you have experienced, let our system present you with a detailed analysis of those attacks

The problem + the solution

In the case of an unprotected server, all network traffic comes
directly to your site without prior filtering, so bots and Layer 7
attacks can disrupt your server, slow it down and damage your
server and the applications installed on it

Our advanced protection system operates on your server with easy installation directly from the box without interruption and without compromising server resources.
With the help of advanced artificial intelligence technology, the system knows how to filter and block attacks quickly and in real time and prevents them from interfering with the operation of your server and applications

getting started with botfence

With one simple command you can install an advanced protection system, or just download the installation package to your server management interface with one click

					curl | bash


					curl | bash


					curl | bash


Meet Our Clients

ai defence with botfence

We invite you to get to know our users who have come to know the benefits and capabilities of BOTFENCE up close

My business operates in a very competitive market and conducts online sales. Suddenly I started experiencing repeated crashes of the site, after many searches and attempts that did not help me I found the BOOTFANCE system that managed to block these attacks and provide me with the required protection.

Shimon Herzg

VP of IT Operations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

omer herzog

VP of IT Operations

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

omer herzog

VP of IT Operations